Key Conversions
Various cryptographic key conversions are available as functions. Separate functions convert public and private keys between different encodings. Available encodings are:
Elliptic Curve encoding only works with Elliptic Curve keys, using another key type will fail.
Convert Public Key
Convert Public Key
converts a public key from one encoding into another. This function requires inputs as follows:
Public Key
1 : Byte array, public key encoded in the same encoding algorithm as the source.
If successful, returns byte array containing the public key 3 in target encoding.
For Elliptic Curve type keys there's an additional input or output (depending on the conversion direction) containing the Elliptic Curve Key Type.
Convert Private Key
Convert Private Key
converts a private key from one encoding into another. This function requires inputs as follows:
Private Key
1 : Byte array, private key encoded in the same encoding algorithm as the source.
There is also an additional optional input:
2 : String, pass-phrase used to decrypt the private key (Leave empty if key is not encrypted).
If successful, returns byte array containing the private key 3 in target encoding.
For Elliptic Curve type keys there's an additional input or output (depending on the conversion direction) containing the Elliptic Curve Key Type.