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Version: 1.0.2

Upload File

Upload File Function

IPFS Upload File Uploads a local file to the IPFS network. This function requires inputs as follows:

  • Ipfs Pinning Service 1 : Struct, holds the url and name of the pinning service to send the request to.
  • Bearer Token 2 : The API token for authentication.
  • File To Upload 3 : The path of the file to upload.
  • Save As 4 : Optional alternate filename for the uploaded file on IPFS. If left empty, the original filename will be used.

IPFS Upload File

The returned Response is a struct that holds data such as headers, status code, and body of the response of the HTTP request.


If Success is True that only means the upload to the IPFS network was successful.

If successful, returns the CID 5 of the uploaded file in String format.