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Version: 3.1.0

Query NFT holders

Sends a REST-API call to Loopring to query NFT holders by Loopring's nftData. This function requires input as follows:

  • URL 1 : The URL to send the request to.
  • ApiKey 2 : API Key.
  • NftData 3 : The Loopring's NFT token data identifier which is a hash string of NFT token address and NFT_ID.
  • Offset 4 : Number of records to skip.
  • Limit 5 : Number of records to return.

Query NFT holders

The returned Response 6 is a struct that holds the response data for the HTTP request sent to Loopring.


If Success is True it only means that there was no error on the data transport layer (HTTP). You also need to check the response body to determine the actual outcome of the call.