Get a list of assets
Sends a REST-API call to ImmutableX
to get a list of assets. This function requires input as follows:
- URL 1 : The URL to send the request to.
- PageSize 2 : Page size of the result.
- Cursor 3 : Cursor.
- OrderBy 4 : Property to sort by.
- Direction 5 : Direction to sort (asc/desc).
- User 6 : Ethereum address of the user who owns these assets.
- Status 7 : Status of these assets.
- Name 8 : Name of the asset to search.
- Metadata 9 : URL JSON-encoded metadata filters for these assets.
- SellOrders 10 : Set flag to true to fetch an array of sell order details with accepted status associated with the asset.
- BuyOrders 11 : Set flag to true to fetch an array of buy order details with accepted status associated with the asset.
- IncludeFees 12 : Set flag to include fees associated with the asset.
- Collection 13 : Collection contract address.
- UpdatedMinTimestamp 14 : Minimum timestamp for when these assets were last updated, in ISO 8601 UTC format.
- UpdatedMaxTimestamp 15 : Maximum timestamp for when these assets were last updated, in ISO 8601 UTC format.
- AuxiliaryFeePercentages 16 : Comma separated string of fee percentages that are to be paired with auxiliary_fee_recipients.
- AuxiliaryFeeRecipients 17 : Comma separated string of fee recipients that are to be paired with auxiliary_fee_percentages.
The returned Response 18 is a struct that holds the response data for the HTTP request sent to ImmutableX
If Success is True it only means that there was no error on the data transport layer (HTTP). You also need to check the response body to determine the actual outcome of the call.