Get Blockchain Transactions
Get Blockchain Transactions
Get Blockchain Transactions
Gets all Blockchain transactions between a specified range of blocks. This function requires input as follows:
- URL 1 : RPC endpoint (Blockchain URL).
- ID 2 : RPC ID(Optional), used when calling multiple asynchronous RPC calls to differentiate your response data from each other.
- HttpHeaders 3 : (Optional) Additional HTTP headers that will be appended to the request.
- BlockNumberStart 4 : Start of the block number range. Must be less or equal to BlockNumberEnd.
- BlockNumberEnd 5 : End of the block number range. Must be greater or equal to BlockNumberStart.
- Addresses 6 : Transactions will be filtered by any matching address. If empty, no filtering will be applied.
The returned Response is a struct that holds the JSON-info of the header and body of the response as well as https status code.
If Success is True that only means that the response from the Blockchain was successful only.
If successful, returns all Transactions 7 between a specified range of blocks.