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Version: 3.0.0

Available Functions

Available Functions

Here are all the currently supported eth functions that are executable on Filecoin blockchain.

  • Filecoin.EthBlockNumber
  • Filecoin.EthCall
  • Filecoin.EthChainId
  • Filecoin.EthEstimateGas
  • Filecoin.EthGasPrice
  • Filecoin.EthGetBalance

General Functions Implementation

  • Filecoin.EthGetBlockByHash
  • Filecoin.EthGetBlockByNumber
  • Filecoin.EthGetLogs
  • Filecoin.EthGetTransactionByHash
  • Filecoin.EthGetTransactionCount
  • Filecoin.EthGetTransactionReceipt

General Functions Implementation

  • Filecoin.EthMaxPriorityFeePerGas
  • Filecoin.EthProtocolVersion
  • Filecoin.EthSendRawTransaction

General Functions Implementation


Reference for Filecoin documentation here.