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Version: 2.2.1

Encode Smart Contract ABI

The Encode Smart Contract ABI node generates a Function Selector with argument encoding for a specific function of an Ethereum Smart Contract.

  • Contract ABI Data Asset 1 : Data asset that holds parsed data for the Smart Contract ABI.
  • Function Name 2 : The function name to hash.
  • Successful 3 : Executes when encoding was successful.
  • Failed 4 : Executes when encoding failed.
  • Error Message 5 : Contains an error message in case the operation failed. Otherwise, it will be empty.
  • Function Hash And Encoded Arguments 6 : The Function Selector with encoded arguments.
  • Function Arguments 7 : Argument pins will be generated dynamically depending on the selected function.

Encode Smart Contract ABI


If the operation was successful, the output variable Function Hash And Encoded Arguments 6 will hold the encoded data required to call the function on the Smart Contract using the eth_call function.


Here is an example of how this node will look like when selecting different smart contract functions. The argument pins are dynamically generated according to the selected function's signature. This means that the number of argument pins and their respective names and data types will be correctly reflected.

Encode Smart Contract ABI


Due to limitations in Blueprints adding nested arrays to this node was not possible, so a Smart Contract function with a TupleArray argument type can't be encoded, and a Smart Contract function with 1 Tuple plus any other type, can't be encoded also.