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Version: 2.1.2

Blockchain Configuration

Get Blockchain Configuration

Get Blockchain Configuration is a helper function that holds default information for commonly used Ethereum networks 1.

Get Blockchain Configuration

This function returns a Struct that contains:

  • 2 Network's RPC URL endpoint
  • 3 Network's name
  • 4 Network's Chain ID
  • 5 Network's Symbol.

We didn't provide a block explorer link as it is unlikely to be used in a final product.

Currently supported networks are:

  • Main Nets:

    • Ethereum
    • Polygon
    • Avalanche
    • Binance Smart Chain
    • Cronos
    • Huobi Eco Chain
  • Test Nets:

    • Ropsten
    • Rinkeby
    • Goerli
    • Sepolia
    • Avalanche FUJI C-Chain
    • Binance Smart Chain
    • Cronos
    • Huobi Eco Chain

Custom Blockchain Configuration

By creating a struct inherited from TSBC_BlockchainConfig you are able to store any other network configuration for later use. You can also use local Blockchains like Ganache, or private end points such as Infura to access public and private Blockchains.

Custom Network Configuration