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Version: 1.0.8

Technical Info


Currently Supporting Ethereum, and Polygon.

We highly recommend the use of the Polygon main net network. Polygon as a network has a very high throughput of transactions per second, low environmental impact due to the proof of stake consensus mechanism, and extremely high security.


To use custom blockchain you ned to know the blockchain's RPC endpoint link, chain ID, explorer and currency symbol.


All functions are exposed to blueprints, and you can use them directly in c++ such as:

  • ECDSA, SECP-256-K1, a private and a public key generation based on elliptic curves.
  • Keccak-256, sha-256, sha-512, ripemd-160 hashing function.
  • Ethereum Address generation and validation.
  • JSON RPC Request functionality to make JSON RPC call to any blockchain node that implements JSON RPC as a method of communication.
  • Async nodes and event call-back version.
  • Basic ETH functions such as:
    • eth_gasPrice.
    • eth_getBalance.
    • eth_sendRawTransaction.
    • eth_estimateGas.
    • More coming in future updates.
  • Uint256 parser.
  • Hex conversion - Converters hex string to big int string, or other way around.
  • Generate and sign a transactions to send via RPC calls.
  • Base58 Parser.
  • Secure Random Bytes Library.

To get the most out of this plugin a good knowledge in Solidity and Ethereum is required.


IPFS protocol is out of the Blockchain plugin's scope.

To store data of an interactable NFT, you can store values inside a smart contract mapping.

We are currently working on a separate plugin that would allow for full IPFS implementation and even data parsing directly into text images or other commonly used forms of files.